
作者:何 新 来源:何新博客 2017-02-22 1053



He Xin: On Mao Zedong

Chinese-English bilingual Version)




Undoubtedly, Mao Zedong has been the greatest revolutionist, strategist and statesman throughout all the epochs of human history as well as a peerless genius in several thousands of years.


Take a panoramic view of the human history, we could draw the conclusion that Mao Zedong has been an unparalleled great figure without rivals. He awakened all the Eastern peoples and the newly-established world. China’s history after the 1930s (whether the positive or negative side) has taken shape almost all under Mao Zedong’s hand; while the world’s history in the twentieth century must have been a completely different one without Mao Zedong.


After Mao Zedong’s demise, the Yugoslavian strongman President Tito whom Mao used to oppose acclaimed the late Mao: “Mao Zedong is the super giant in one giant.” Willy Brandt, Chancellor of West Germany, said: “For some people, Mao Zedong is their hope; while for some others, he is a permanent challenge. These two situations shall both continue, and shall always be.” It’s indeed the truth!


Mao Zedong, bearing both an inborn heroic spirit and a dignified and charming deportment, was one versed in both literature and military affairs and one exceeding the rest in both bravery and wisdom. All history witnesses have pointed out that Mao Zedong possessed indefinite personal charisma. And he had never failed to, with his speech and deportment, shock or overwhelm anyone who walked near him (including his opponents Chiang Kai Shek, Nixon, Khrushchev and Kissinger). The giant even looked smaller in front of Mao Zedong.


With such humble origins, such parochial early education, such ordinary social background and such scanty resources, Mao Zedong could start empty-handed, blaze a trail by self-dependence and finally build up the magnificent New China!


While looking retrospectively at the history dating back to the medieval times one thousand years ago, the Iron Age three thousand years ago, the Bronze Age five thousand years ago, or even the homo sapien period four million years ago, we could definitely tell that the Mao Zedong phenomenon has been the only one of its kind and has been one as natural as nature itself!



Mao Zedong is a miracle for history itself. His lifelong achievements have not only astonished people of the present-day world, but shall also appear equally incredible to people of later generations. The story of Mao Zedong is just like a legend.


In the world’s history, there has never been a second statesman, who had, starting from a foundation with barely no economic or political resources at all, in a short period of twenty-eight years, accurately judged the hour and sized up the situation, maneuvered among various political groupings, and swept all the powerful enemies and finally successfully set up the largest party in the world (“the Communist Party of China”), built up a poorly-equipped yet almost all-conquering iron army (“the Chinese People’s Liberation Army”), and established a new republic with a destitute foundation yet of an uplifting spirit -- the People’s Republic of China. Mao Zedong himself has also, in 1949, become the supreme saint, mentor and leader of the country which had the largest population in the world.


Ever since the Great Geographical Discovery about five hundred years ago, no leader of any other country in the world had been as dauntless as Mao Zedong, who dared to lead China to confront against the entire world, to show contempt to the Western colonial powers as well as the Soviet-American hegemony in the twentieth century, and to despise the so-called “new world order” set by the West.



In 1950, shortly after the establishment of New China, Mao Zedong overrode all objections and sent the PLA of China to North Korea. Relying on millet plus rifles, the Chinese army fought openly against the powerful allied forces of the seventeen countries (the United States, Britain, France, South Korea, Holland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa, Greece, Belgium, Luxemburg, Columbia, Ethiopia) and finally triumphed over them. During that war, the United States had dispatched one-third of its land force, one-fifth of its air force, and half of its navy into the battlefield.


Confronted with such powerful military forces, one should be regarded as a hero even in defeat as long as one had the courage to fight. However, Mao Zedong, mapping out military strategies in a leisurely and unhurried manner thousands of miles away from the battlefield, commanded his army to completely vanquish the American Supreme Commander MacArthur, who had the awe-inspiring reputation of defeating the millions of troops of the Japanese emperor in the past.


Since then, Mao Zedong has begun to fight a decades-long contest with the revenges, blockade and interceptions from the West, while he had finally forced the Western world succumb to him or even acclaim to him. What’s more, even his strongest opponents had to capitulate to him! (See reference to WWII British Commander General Louis Mountbatten’s memoirs about Mao Zedong and the Memoirs of Nixon and Kissinger.)


In fact, the outcome of the Korean War that broke out in 1950 was not from the negotiating table in Panmunjom in July 1953, but from the edge of the swimming pool outside Mao Zedong’s Beijing Zhongnanhai abode in February 1972, and from the moment when the American President Nixon bowed wholeheartedly to express his sincerity to Mao Zedong.


Mao Zedong had never taken the United Nations seriously. Nevertheless, when the Chinese mission taking Mao Zedong’s works and the Chinese-styled ideas entered the UN headquarters in New York in October 1971, the Chinese people won the cheers and applause from all over the world!


In the world’s history, Mao Zedong has been a unique phenomenon as well as an incredible legend.



Philosopher Nietzsche said: war is the detergent that purifies the history. Hegel said: war pushes forward the progress of history.


Born as a commoner, Mao Zedong had merely been a poor and humble scholar in his early years. Despite his great sagacity and resourcefulness, seeing his photo, one would find that he appeared as a boy in his twenties, both shy and bashful, and as muted as a young lady.


However, Mao Zedong spent most of his life on horseback. What’s more unbelievable, as battle-seasoned as he was, Mao Zedong had scarcely touched a gun himself. Since the defeat in the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1928, to the four major campaigns of Liao-Shen, Huai-Hai, Beiping-Tianjin, and Jing-Hu-Hang in 1949 that swept the whole country, Mao Zedong started his great cause from a broken army of several hundreds of soldiers and gradually hammered out an all-conquering iron army of indestructible spirit.


During the three revolutionary civil wars in twenty-one years, Mao Zedong had commanded numerous guerrilla wars, counter-campaigns, mobile wars, as well as wars of annihilation. The number of armed forces put into wars by both sides, the scale of wars and of the war-stricken areas, have surpassed all wars and classical battles in the human history. The military successes that Mao Zedong had accomplished during his lifetime have exceeded those made by all military commanders and famous generals in the Western military history.


Mao Zedong took command of the PLA of China for forty years, during which time he not only gave full play to the traditional Chinese military strategies, but also made ingeniously applications of the Marxism-Leninism tenets, and in this way, he seldom made misjudgment and had all the situations well in hand. Leading armies to fight battles throughout the entire country, he could always maintain his flexibility and maneuverability in the face of danger. In addition, possessing the great wisdom of distinguishing and using talents, Mao Zedong guided his troops, defeated the powerful enemies and won triumphs one after another in the universe.


Mao Zedong’s military commanding art has attained such an acme of superb perfection that, compared with him, those famous generals and battles in the West all seemed totally unworthy of being mentioned. Even the so-called compliment of “devising strategies within a command to win a victory thousands miles away” could not fully depict how marvelously ingenious Mao Zedong’s military strategies are. While commanding armies, Mao Zedong made such clever application of the overall collaborated means of politics, military forces, propaganda and mobilization, intelligence work, military strategies and tactics that his military wisdom has surpassed all great militarists and war organizers in the human history.


Mao Zedong’s military science has been invincible all over the world. As long as there are wars in this world, Mao Zedong’s military science shall fully deserve to be ranked in the first place in the military history of mankind.


In the military history, Mao Zedong is a god of war who had accomplished outstanding military exploits and thus deserves the admiration and study of all militarists.



Both sagacious and wily, Mao Zedong is a mysterious and unpredictable great political strategist. It seems that Mao Zedong’s ability of manipulating history and people has been an inborn talent rather than something gained from later acquisition.


During his lifetime, Mao Zedong defeated all his foes both inside and outside of China. He held a contemptuous attitude towards all of his opponents, saying that a grand person should despise all his enemies. While his talking of “strategically despising all the enemies, but tactically taking them all seriously” fully demonstrates his dialectical thoughts.


However, Mao Zedong has always cherished deep concerns for the ordinary people, who represented “the great majority”. He has forever taken his side with the impoverished and “the disadvantaged groups” in the world, that is, the so-called “untouchables”, the humiliated and the injured and hurt.


Under the guidance of Mao Zedong, the chaotic and disunited Chinese nation whose people used to bear the disgraceful name of “sick men of East Asia” has finally reached its great unification and thus laid the initial foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Mao Zedong’s personal charisma is of infinite charm. He has superb artistic talent, acute intuition, profound inspirations and extremely extensive humanistic knowledge.


In commanding the troops, he could always cited lines freely from the military classics; in staying alone peacefully, he always meditated over the classical works. Never seen without a book in hand, he must compose a poem whenever ascending a height. Those poems, telling his great aspirations with words from the bottom of his heart, are all so well-rhymed that once recited with background music, they will all turn into great musical melodies. Whether lyrical or narrative, whether graceful and implicit or bold and unconstrained, those poems convey a sense of forcefulness and bleakness, demonstrating Mao Zedong’s deep insights into the human nature.


In his private life, Mao Zedong was a broad-minded and humorous person with rich emotions and a magnanimous personality.


Mao Zedong knew that there was no never-ending feast in the world, that “a long life of ten thousand years” was but a deceptive empty talk, and that people’s compliments of him, “the four great -- great leader, great mentor, great helmsman, great commander”, were only flattering words, thus he said: “I don’t believe that!”


“In order to exorcise demons, we need to seek help from Zhong Kui, the superstitious god.” Mao Zedong dared to ridicule himself as bearing both “the disposition of a tiger”, which referred to his stubborn fortitude and indomitable spirit, and “the disposition of a monkey”, which referred to his rich emotions, humorous optimism, poetic temperament and idealism. He knew that one day his idol would also be smashed, but he said: “What’s the big deal? It’s only smashing!”


Whereas, Mao Zedong was impartial, incorruptible and unrelentingly indifferent in political struggles. As long as it’s needed by the struggles, he would resolutely cut off all the erstwhile relations and grinding all the obstacles, whether his old fellow officers or comrades for many years, especially in the Great Cultural Revolution.


Machiavelli wrote in his The Prince: “A ruler is both a lion and a fox. It’s necessary to size up the situation or even adopt evil means in order to win triumph.” Napoleon also said: “If ruthlessness is necessary, then ruthlessness it is!” Mao Zedong used to conduct research on Machiavelli in his youth, and was still a loyal reader of Napoleon in his late years.


In politics, Mao Zedong has been such a successful user of the art of political strategies. While his remarkable political achievements have brought blessing and benefits to all the later generations!



As the founding father as well as the early ruler of the New China, Mao Zedong accomplished numerous achievements during his lifetime, and one of his greatest achievements is, under his guidance, China has successfully accomplished the rapid industrialization of its national economy, which allowed China, an agricultural country used to be in the state of “poverty and blankness”, to initially set up its industrial system complete in range through only decades of independent efforts.


Maurice Jerome Meisner, an American historian, pointed out the following view while commenting on the modernization course of the Chinese economy:


“Despite all the past failures and setbacks, it’s still unavoidable to draw the conclusion that the Mao Zedong Era was China’s modern industrial revolution period. China, which used to be despised as “sick man of East Asia “by the West for a long period of time, started in the early 1950s with an industry whose scale was even smaller than that of Belgium; but at the end of the Mao Zedong Era, it came in front of the world as one of the world’s six largest industrial countries.”


During the quarter from 1952 to 1978, China’s national income increased by four times, that is, from 60 billion in 1952 to 300 billion in 1978, with its industrial income accounting for the biggest share in the increased income. And the index of China’s per capita national income (by fixed prices) increased from 100 in 1949 (160 in 1952) to 217 in 1957 and then to 440 in 1978.


Over the last two decades in the Mao Zedong Era (which is also the period receiving not so high evaluation from Mao Zedong’s successors), even including the economic disasters brought about by the Great Leap Forward, China’s national income more than doubled from 1957 to 1975, with an increase of 63% per capita.


-- No matter how people will evaluate the Mao Zedong Era, it is this modern industrial revolution period of China that had laid the fundamental basis for the development of the country’s modern economy and had transformed China from a complete agricultural country to a country with industry as its economic cornerstone. In 1952, the total industrial output value only accounted for 30% in Chin’s Gross National Product (GNP), and the total agricultural output value occupied a proportion of 64%; yet by the year of 1975, this ratio had reversed, the industrial output value accounted for 72% in Chin’s GNP, while the percentage of the agricultural output value dropped to 28%.


In fact, the Mao Zedong Era has far from been the so-called period of economic stagnation which is widely rumored now. Being one of the greatest modernization eras in the world, the Mao Zedong Era was no less splendid even compared with the quickest industrialization periods in the several promising young industrial powers, such as Germany and Japan, in the modern industrial arena of the world.


Therefore, there is no doubt that Mao Zedong fully deserves to be called the father of industrialization of the modern China.



Hegel said: “There exists no hero in the eyes of servants. But it’s not because the hero is not a hero, but because the servants are only servants!”


Heroes may get wrong or even absurd sometimes, and great men may also have weaknesses and privacy. Just as Jesus and Buddha are both flesh and blood, all great man are just mortal beings. That’s why Marx said: “I have all what humanity has!”


However, the reason for a great man being great is because his outstandingly meritorious deeds and achievement shall last forever.


A great man is great indeed! And his radiance shall not eclipse even the slightest iota due to any abuse, slander, or degeneration from those many gangsters and the like, the mediocre, servants and concubines (as Zhang Rong and the like), flunkeys of imperialism as well as his enemies.


Tolstoy showed his contempt for those who attacked Napoleon: “They all think that they were morally perfect. But a morally perfect mediocre person is but a mediocre person, and a hero covered all over with cuts and bruises is still a hero.” “Sometimes the eagle flies lower than the chicken, but the chicken can never fly as high as the eagle!”


The glory of the hero’s great feat shall last as perpetual as the sun and moon, and how foolish the crowds are to pile their libelous words on the hero! Such silly ones are no better than a tiny insect trying to shake a mighty tree but being ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness.


Instead of being perfect all the time, history is forever full of twists and turns. As is manifested by all human history, human beings are merely a kind of lowly creatures who will always make mistakes in the universe.


Leaving the concerns of benevolence and preference out of account, the universe treats all things as equally as it treats its own sacrificial offerings. Individuals make mistakes, crowds make mistakes, a party makes mistakes, and a country also makes mistakes. In this sense, the so-called history is but the overlapping of countless mistakes made by countless generations of people, and a certain part of the future human history is but the mistakes made by people and the deeds of correcting these mistakes by the latecomers. So sometimes the changes will inevitably lead to an increasingly wrong history.


So far, the human history has been dark and unfair and only a record of the winners. In it, one would find more bitterness than happiness, and more sins than brightness. Freedom, democracy, humanity, the so-called universal values are but deceptive empty talks pleasant to the ear yet hard to be put into practice.


Fortunately, history has generated great men from time to time, who would temporarily illuminate the thick darkness with their dazzling meteoric light. In the ages when these great men lived, a flash of light appeared in history. The Chinese nation used to be disintegrate and torn by dissension and covered all over with cuts and bruises after the century-long chaotic wars. But Mao Zedong brought it onto the center of the world stage. After that, it instantly emitted a brilliant and dazzling light, making the nation get rid of its lowliness, humbleness and vulgarity in the past.


Mao Zedong has not been someone imposed onto the Chinese people by outsiders, but the choice made by history itself, as well as the greatest and most sensible choice made by the Chinese nation. At that time, because of Mao Zedong, the Chinese nation was once again replete with confidence and pride!



A legendary and dramatic century in the human history, the twentieth century has witnessed a galaxy of great men. From the right-wing Churchill, Roosevelt, and De Gaulle to the left-wing Lenin, Stalin, Tito, Castro and Mao Zedong, they were all extraordinary and distinguished leaders.


But the twentieth century was far from being a bright and peaceful century. On the contrary, it’s a century of war, division and turmoil, a century full of blood and fire; it’s a century when the Nanjing massacre took place and when numerous human beings were slaughtered as cheap as dirt; it’s the century when the Wisconsin concentration camp coexisted with the Gulag archipelago.


The reason why this century has not been reduced to a completely dark age is because it’s also the century of the fighting and struggles of the brave ones, who brought to people the only brightness in the dark. In the middle of the twentieth century, the oppressed in the third world made continuously rebellions against the oppressors. For the Chinese people, this was the century of uprising, rebellion and revolution under the guidance of Mao Zedong, this was the great century when the Chinese nation strove to become stronger.


The twentieth century began with the First World War, and shortly after that, the Soviet revolution broke out in 1917. Then China’s Cultural Revolution at the end of the 1960s set off a revolutionary tide that shocked the global capitalist system.


After the failure of the Great Cultural Revolution, the revolutionary ideologies fell apart, leading to the disintegration of socialist systems throughout the globe in the 1990s. At the same time, the globalization movements of new capitalism and neo-imperialism have emerged as new world’s trends. The hereditary Rothschild family, Morgan family, and Rockefeller financial family which had the global financial power in their hands were attempting to take all mankind under their control.


What confronted mankind was a bright millennium, but a thousand years of darkness. In an evil plan, two-thirds of populations on the earth would be marginalized or treated as rubbish, or they might silently die from genetic modification, toxic vaccines, AIDS or other artificial viruses and food chain poisoned by chemicals...


All of this had been the fate settled for mankind by the financial capitalism’s evolution towards global imperialism since the Great Geographical Discovery in the fifteenth century and the globalization movement.

仅仅因为毛泽东的出现,历史在20 世纪改道而行。

Merely because of the appearance of Mao Zedong, history has changed its course in the twentieth century.

毛泽东是20世纪率领亿万贱民造反的领袖,是率领奴隶粉碎锁链的英雄。毛泽东是大革命中诞生的角斗士,是现代的斯巴达克斯。他用精神和物质的原子弹摧毁了西方自由石匠(“Free and Accepted Masons")的铁幕。至少在那个短暂的时代,全世界被压迫的贱民和奴隶们看到了阳光与蓝天。

Mao Zedong was the leader who led hundreds of millions of “untouchables” to rise in rebellions, the hero who commanded the slaves to smash the shackles and chains. Mao Zedong was the gladiator born in the great revolutions, the modern Spartacus. He destroyed the iron screen of “the Free and Accepted Masons” in the West with his material and spiritual atomic bomb. At least in a short period of time, all poor slaves and oppressed people throughout the world saw the bright sunshine and blue skies.


The great revolution shall not end with the demise of Mao Zedong. The spiritual and political legacies left by Mao Zedong, including the legacy and problems left from the Great Cultural Revolution, shall continue to be meditated and studied by the future generations.


Naturally, just like what happened to all great men, there will always be some people continuing to disparage and curse him. Nevertheless, Mao Zedong, even after his death, still remains as a formidable spell difficult to be removed in the heart of the world’s capitalist class.



A great man’s life is doomed to be a tragedy. So the life of Mao Zedong was also a tragedy, and his later years were even more tragic. Mao Zedong led a tragic life in that he was overwhelmingly great, too great to be understood and believed by others.


The fundamental tragedy of Mao Zedong in his old age is, in the 1960s, he finally found that the grand mansion he had exhausted his lifelong endeavors to build turned out to be the tall building of capitalism and bureaucracy that he intended to destroy from the very beginning. Hence, at such an old age, Mao Zedong once again took upon himself to launch hard attacks, attempting to destroy everything and start all over again. But when he suddenly turned around, he found himself being a weak, solitary old man without followers, and the bodies of his erstwhile comrades lying under his feet.


“The thoughts of Heaven have always been hard to speculate; to whom we could confess our sadness which is a frequent visitor in the old age!” “With luck, the entire universe is by your side; without luck, even the hero could not act freely.” “Under the tent in gale and thunder was the then hero in his prime, before the lamp in drums and horns is the now old man shedding his tears.” These poetic lines are a confession of Mao Zedong in his old age.


The time begetting no heroes, Mao Zedong then expected some great deeds from his young followers. While all the four followers of his turned out to be worthless and despicable characters, who failed to live up to his trust and expectations. “Sowing the descendants of a dragon, while only reaping some fleas” -- “this Great Cultural Revolution, few were in favor of it, and a lot were against it”. At last, Mao Zedong the giant had to face and admit his defeat. The forlorn and dismal state of Mao Zedong in his later years was but a modern version of King Lear.

The time begetting no heroes, Mao Zedong then expected some great deeds from his young followers. While all the four followers of his turned out to be worthless and despicable characters, who failed to live up to his trust and expectations. “Sowing the descendants of a dragon, while only reaping some fleas” -- “this Great Cultural Revolution, few were in favor of it, and a lot were against it”. At last, Mao Zedong the giant had to face and admit his defeat. The forlorn and dismal state of Mao Zedong in his later years was but a modern version of King Lear.


Suffering from motor neuron disease (MND) in his later years, Mao Zedong lost his ability of autonomous movements.



However, with the luck turning in his favor, history has proved that Mao Zedong is correct!


The real “socialist system”, instead of being as ideal as a fair and equitable society without classes and being the society that he had determined to establish, was in fact a society in which there were extremely profound and complicated class conflicts, confrontations and struggle.


Mao Zedong once said, the social revolutions would never end and that there would be struggles in ten thousand years! History shall never end, neither shall conflicts and struggles.


Mao Zedong has also predicted, if China’s right parties should come to the power in the future, or if there should appear the joint dictatorship of the domestic and foreign capitalist classes and comprador classes in China, the majority of Chinese people would be living in disasters. However, in that case, there would also be wave upon wave of rebellions from the working class and the poor. Mao Zedong used to curse: “If there should be coups from the anti-communist right-wing parties in China, I am sure they will be never at peace.”


Mao Zedong has left to the latecomers rich political legacies. More importantly, his revolutionary spirit and ideologies have deeply incorporated into the political culture of this nation!



The British historian Ross once said the following lines while commenting on the lifelong great cause of Napoleon:


“Despite his heavy losses, he was still incomparably superior and extremely great in managing the country, mobilizing his people’s intelligence and applying the art of war. His greatness has not only dwelled in the eternal importance of his most outstanding exploits, but also dwelled in his ingenuity as well as the magnificent and extraordinary power that he had devoted to accomplishing all these achievements!


-- This power has made the towering monuments, which could be found everywhere along the journey of his later years and which had suffered so much from the tempestuous weather, still remain magnificent and glorious! A nation bending over to slavery could never make such achievement.


After all, mankind, instead of granting its highest honor to those timorous and mediocre ones shrinking back from difficulties and leaving nothing noteworthy to the later generations, always grants its highest honor to those ambitious ones daring to do everything and accomplishing notable exploits, to those who could dominate the hearts of hundreds of millions of people even when they themselves were confronted with the same peril as the rest.”


Mao Zedong’s greatness is naturally and unquestionably beyond that of Napoléon Bonaparte, the French Emperor in the nineteenth century.


Mao Zedong! -- The man who commanded the Chinese revolution and transformed the human nature of the Chinese people and social life of the Chinese nation;


The man who led, in the form of people’s war, the longest and largest civil war and people’s revolutionary movement that swept the largest population in the twentieth century;


The man who mobilized, with his superhuman power, one billion people to build on the territory of nine million and six hundred thousand square kilometers a Utopia where there is no class, nor exploitation, nor private ownership;


The man who broke the Yalta agreements which allowed the three big powers to carve up the world, who smashed the bipolar structure resulting from the Cold War, who made China rise imposingly to be the third pole in the world;


The man who brought about fundamental changes to the geopolitical structure of global imperialism in the latter half of the twentieth century;


The man who has launched the greatest mass movement ever since the Crusades conquer and thus driven the Western powers out of the Eastern land;


The man who directs the lament and missing of hundreds of millions of people to the square mansion standing behind the lonely rock in the Tian’anmen Square;


Shall always stand towering in the forefront of immortals in the human history!!!

2003年12月初稿 。2017年1月8日最后改定,何新]

First draft finished in December 2003; final draft finished in January 8, 2017, by He Xin.




Ross Terrill, the author of Mao: A Biography, said: “Things have always been so strange. The governments who disparaged him the most in the 1950s or 1960s gave him the most encomiums in 1976. Some rulers said that he was a genius who appeared only once in a thousand years in the human history.”

美国《新闻周刊》在毛泽东逝世的当天发表的社论标题是《历史上最后一位巨人》。社论说:“ 没有任何崇拜者会比他生前的对手和敌人,更知道毛泽东存在的意义和份量。”

On the same day of Mao Zedong’s death, the American magazine “News Week” published an editorial titled “The Last Giant in History”, which wrote, “No admirer knows better the meaning and weight of Mao Zedong’s existence than his adversaries and enemies.”
