
作者:北京地区《健康中国》捍卫者 来源:红歌会网 2016-12-27 1853





黑龙江立法禁转基因 “专家”指责“违法”“荒唐”










黑龙江省人大的这一决定,符合习近平总书记在十二届全国人大四次会议上关于“保障粮食安全始终是国计民生的头等大事”、 “把饭碗牢牢端在自己手上”的论述,符合中央一号文件关于“加强农业生态治理,依法依规严肃查处各种破坏生态环境的行为”的精神符合《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,国务院发布的《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》、卫生部《转基因食品卫生管理办法》、《新资源食品卫生管理办法》、农业部《农业转基因生物进口安全管理办法》、《农业转基因生物安全管理审批程序》、国家《食品安全法》等法律法规更符合全国绝大多数人民群众的迫切愿望和心声。










1)1988年,孟山都与农业部官员内外勾结用孟山都伪造“美国Younger Laboratories实验室1985年12月23日出具农达毒理学动物试验报告”在中国违法骗取“农药登记”[4]



6、国务院2001年颁布实施《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》还明确规定“县级以上地方各级人民政府农业行政主管部门负责本行政区域内的农业转基因生物安全的监督管理工作。 县级以上各级人民政府卫生行政主管部门依照《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》的有关规定,负责转基因食品卫生安全的监督管理工作。”


“第三条 转基因食品作为一类新资源食品,须经卫生部审查批准后方可生产或者进口。未经卫生部审查批准的转基因食品不得生产或者进口,也不得用作食品或食品原料”

“第五条 转基因食品的食用安全性和营养质量不得低于对应的原有食品。”
















[8]陈一文顾问在腾讯 9月17日“公众为什么不接受转基因”研讨会发言,2013-09-20




Open Letter by Beijing Healthy China Guards

Firmly Supporting Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress Legislation Banning GM Cultivation


Contact email:


Heilongjiang (HLJ) is China's No.1 grain producing province and the homeland of the world's most superior soybeans.  The food security situation of the HLJ province influences the food security situation of the whole nation.

On Dec. 16, 2016, the 30th session of the 12th NPC standing committee of HLJ province, with all votes, agreed and passed the newly revised "HLJ Province Food Safety Regulation" entering into force as of May 1, 2017 which clearly stipulates "Within our provincial administrative region, cultivation of GM maize, rice, soybeans and other edible crops is forbidden illegal production, marketing and supply of GM edible crop seeds for growers is forbidden illegal production, processing, sales, import of GM products or food products containing GM contents is forbidden.", We shall use legal means to protect space for ecological development in HLJ, promoting development of the green food industry of HLJ. [1, 2]

This decision by HLJ, conforms with "ensuring safety of food is always the first priority of the national economy and the people's livelihood", "must firmly hold our food bowls in our own hands" stressed by General Secretary Xi Jin-ping at the 4th session of the 12th National People's Congress, conforms with the spirit to "strengthen agricultural ecological management, in accordance with the law and rules to investigate all kinds of destruction of ecological environment" specified by the Central Committee/State Council No.1 Document conforms with the national "Consumer' Rights And Interests Protection Law", the Health Ministry's "GMO Food Health Management Measures", "New Resource Food Health Management Measures", the Ag Ministry's "Agricultural GMO Import Safety Management Measures", "Agricultural GMO Safety Management Approval Process", the national "Food Safety Law" and other laws, regulations and is even more in line with the urgent desire and voice of the majority of the people of the nation.

The position of HLJ province on GM agricultural products not only has great significance to promoting agricultural ecology in China, but also has great world significance!

This decision by the People's Congress of the HLJ province is consistent with the direction called for by the central committee led by general secretary Xi Jin-ping.

We therefore state and call for the following:

1. In October, 2016, the standing committee of the NPC of the HLJ province entrusted the HLJ Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statics to carry out a questionnaire survey in 13 cities and a certain number of counties of the province to learn the public opinion on the issue of banning GM crops.  It showed that 91.5% of respondents were against cultivation of GM crops in the HLJ province. [3] This fully proves that the decision to ban cultivation of GM crops, legislated by the NPC of the HLJ province, reflects the will of the vast majority of the people of the HLJ province and nationwide. This is an excellent example of the practice called for by chairman Xi Jin-ping, i.e. "finding the will and greatest common divisor requested by the whole society is the essence of the people's democracy"!

2. The decision to ban cultivation of GM crops, legislated by the NPC of the HLJ province, reflects the representation of the supremacy of human rights of the HLJ people safeguarding agricultural security, food security, food safety, selection of food and safeguarding people's own health! Anybody with whatever excuse criticizing and slandering this decision is challenging the most basic democratic right of the people, and therefore such actions must accordingly be strongly counterattacked!

3. We call on all patriotic moral parties, groups, officials, scholars and people, irrespective of minorities, religion or ideology, to actively take action, stand out and firmly support the HLJ provincial people's congress legislation banning GM cultivation!

4. The State Council 2001 "Agricultural GMO Safety Administration Regulation" stipulates that: "Agricultural GMO safety mentioned by this regulation refers to prevention of danger or potential danger constituted by agricultural GMO to humans, animals, plants, microbes and the ecological environment", and therefore stipulates that the key basis for agricultural GMO products obtaining "safety certificates" includes being "tested by agricultural GMO technical testing institutions, confirming that they do not pose  dangers to humans, animals, plants, microbes and the ecological environment"!

5. Since 2011, the Beijing food safety volunteers have submitted a series of governmental information disclosure applications regarding safety issues of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide Roundup, Monsanto's RR soybeans, maize, cotton and GM crops produced by other companies, and presented two administrative litigations at the Beijing Municipality 3rd Intermediate Court against the Ministry of Agriculture.

The evidence disclosed during these rights protection activities in accordance with laws and regulations have already proved:

1) In 1988, through inside and outside collusion with the officials of Ag Ministry, Monsanto used a falsified document Monsanto claimed as "toxicology animal test report on Roundup issued by Younger Laboratories on Dec. 23, 1985" to illegally obtain fraudulent "pesticide registration" in China [4]

2) In 2003/2004, again through inside and outside collusion with the officials of the Ag Ministry, Monsanto intentionally used "fake samples" of RR soybeans, with no glyphosate residue, commissioned China CDC to carry out a falsified "edible safety" toxicology animal test and again illegally obtained a fraudulent "safety certificate" allowing RR soybeans to enter the Chinese market in massive amounts. [5, 6, 7]

It must be specifically pointed out that Jiang Tao, senior engineer, Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology of Academy of Science, during the "Why Does The Public Not Accept GMO" symposium, organized by Tencent at the Friendship Hotel on Sep. 17 2013, in front of the video camera, proved that Monsanto in 2003 did provide fake RR soybean samples, i.e. with no glyphosate residues, to the China CDC, and even provided a "scientific explanation" for why Monsanto did so. [8, 9]

6. The State Council 2001 "Agricultural GMO Safety Administration Regulation" also clearly stipulated that: "Government agriculture departments of different levels of the People's Government above the county levels are responsible for supervisory administration work of agricultural GMO safety within their respective administrative region. Government health departments of different levels of the People's Government above the county levels are responsible for food hygiene safety supervisory administration work of agricultural GM food product per concerned stipulations of the national "Food Hygiene Law".

Accordingly, the Health Ministry 2002 "GM Food Hygiene Administration Method" stipulates:

"Clause 3 GM food, as a kind of new resources food product, before being produced or imported, must pass through examination and approval by the Health Ministry. Without examination and approval by the Health Ministry, no GM food is allowed to be produced or imported, nor to be used as food or food raw material"

"Clause 5 Edible safety and nutrition quality of GM food should not be lower than that of the original corresponding food."

Responding to government information disclosure applications if "1) RR soybean oil 2) Chemical-solvent extracted RR soybean oil 3) Other RR soybean ingredient food products" have been examined and approved by the Ministry, presented by Beijing food safety volunteers, the Health Ministry on 2011 Nov. 23 officially confirmed: "Our Ministry has not received nor examined or approved the products specified by your information disclosure application", proving that all RR soybean processed food products, including RR soybean oil, RR soybean protein powder, and all food products with such ingredients, currently on the market, are "illegal GM food products"! [10]

7. Suggest that the HLJ province people's congress investigate and verify the above situation. If it is basically true, then it should be further stipulated to ban the sales and use of all RR soybean ingredient food products within HLJ, and, especially ban all universities, middle schools and kindergartens from continuing to use any GM ingredient food products!

8. Suggest that the HLJ province people's congress organize HLJ provincial universities, medical institutions and scholars forming interdisciplinary teams to carry out overall in-depth investigation studies of harm caused by spraying glyphosate herbicide on maize, soybeans, wheat and other crops before harvest, and harm to the health of the HLJ people, especially to youth, children and infants, caused by imported chemical-solvent extracted RR soybean oil and numerous food products containing chemical-solvent extracted RR soybean protein powder etc., organize two years and multiple generation feeding tests of RR soybean feed, with non-GM feed as control, at pig farms, enabling using test evidence to verify direct harm caused to fed animals and indirect harm caused to consumers.

9. Call on the people's congress of other provinces/autonomous regions to pass similar resolutions,with the people's congress of HLJ as an example, adhering to the scientific progress and social justice. When conditions of the people's congress of some provinces/autonomous regions passing similar resolutions is not yet ripe, then call on people's congress at the county level to pass such resolutions.

10. The resolution passed by the people's congress of the HLJ province is a creative measure actively supporting the strategic deployment led by chairman Xi Jin-ping's leadership building a "Healthy China", some officials and "official scholars" have jumped out in a crazy way to oppose and slander the resolution passed by the people's congress of the HLJ province, giving no consideration to the life, health and safety of 1.3 billion people of China, This only proves that they are a gang of rogues, liars and scum of the earth, and thus they must be determinedly fully disclosed!

Beijing "Healthy China" Guards

Dec. 26, 2016


[1] Heilongjiang Province People's Government, the 30th session of the 12th NPC standing committee of HLJ province, with all votes agreeing, passed the newly revised "HLJ Province Food Safety Regulation", 2016-12-20

[2] Heilongjiang Province People's Government, Our province according to law bans cultivation of GM food crops, the newly revised "HLJ Province Food Safety Regulation" into force on May 1 next year, 2016-12-17

[3] Xinhua News Agency, HLJ in 2017 shall ban cultivation of GM crops, 2016-12-17

[4] Chen I-wan, Monsanto criminal intention: eight aspects of deception in their application process for glyphosate herbicide Roundup 1988 "Pesticide Registration", 2016-07-06

[5] China CDC Nutrition & Food Safety Research Institute, RR soybean 40-3-2 and its products food safety report verifying rat 90 days feeding test, 2004-01-05

[6] China CDC Nutrition & Food Safety Research Institute, RR soybean edible safety evaluation report, Dec., 2003

[7] Chen I-wan, China CDC RR soybean edible safety rat test is fraud, cheat, perjury, 2013-03-02

[8] Advisor Chen I-wan speech at "Why Does The Public Not Accept GMO" symposium organized by Tencent on Sep. 17, 2013-09-20

[9] Guokr website, " Why Does The Public Not Accept GMO" topic discussion meeting complete record, 2013-09-17

[10] Beijing consumers’ letter to Ministry of Health reporting Yihai Kerry illegal GM food products, 2011-12-15
