格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史

作者:格雷弗弗 来源:红色文化网 2015-02-25 2639

 格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史

"The Soviet Union's History Seen from the Trotsky Archives and Russian Declassified Documents after the Cold War."
讲演人:格雷弗弗(Grover Furr)教授


本稿为格雷弗·弗(Grover Furr)教授为北京之行准备的“苏联斯大林时代的继续革命”之系列讲演的第二部分。

A. 导言



“白军”(The “Whites”),或曰专制保皇势力,以野蛮的行径攻击布尔什维克。他们终被挫败之后走向流亡,主要是在西欧。他们也发行了不少书籍和报刊,并且在上个世纪二三十年代赞助了恐怖分子和间谍组织在苏联的活动。




除了这些公开的反共势力之外,布尔什维克党内也存在一些反共力量。1929年,列夫·托洛茨基(Leon Trotsky)被逐出苏联。之后他组织并领导了一场无所不用其极地攻击布尔什维克党领袖的运动。


B. 赫鲁晓夫说谎


1961年苏共二十二大上,赫鲁晓夫及其追随者对斯大林进行了更为恶毒的攻击。此后大批苏联历史学家为赫鲁晓夫的谎言添砖加瓦。这些假话为冷战时期如罗伯特·康奎斯特(Robert Conquest)之类的反共者所沿用。它们也进入了左翼话语,不仅经由托派和无政府主义者的著作,而且还经由那些“亲莫斯科”(pro-Moscow)的、当然不得不接受赫鲁晓夫那个故事版本的共产主义者。

在戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)和叶利钦(Boris Eltsin)时代,先是苏联的职业历史学家,随后是俄罗斯的职业历史学家,把赫鲁晓夫的谎言进一步放大。戈尔巴乔夫编造了层出不穷的反共谎言,为苏联回归剥削制度和最终放弃社会主义改革、重返资本主义掠夺制造了意识形态烟幕。






赫鲁晓夫赞助许多苏联历史学家在成千上万的书籍和文章中润色他的谎言。著名的例子包括罗伊·麦德维杰夫(Roy Medvedev)1的《让历史来审判:斯大林主义的起源及其后果》和亚历山大·勒科瑞奇(Aleksandr Nekrich)的《1941年6月》。

赫鲁晓夫党羽的谎言被西方反共作者利用并在苏联外反复散布。重要的例子是罗伯特·康奎斯特所写的《大恐怖:斯大林三十年代的清洗》和其他很多书籍。康奎斯特的所有著述严重依赖赫鲁晓夫时代的资料,尽管他同时还不加辨别地援引了各种反共的书籍和文章,譬如亚历山大·奥尔洛夫(Alexander Orlov)2的《斯大林肃反秘史》。

另一本严重依赖赫鲁晓夫时代说法的重要著作,是史蒂芬·F·科恩(Steven. F. Cohen)的《布哈林(Bukharin)和布尔什维克革命》,出版于1973年以后已多次重印。我和我的莫斯科同事弗拉基米尔·L·波布罗夫(Vladimir L. Bobrov)已经发表了对上书第十章的详细研究。科恩在他的书中追溯了布哈林从1930年到他于1938年3月受审、被处死的生平,可我们的研究展示了两件事。首先,科恩几乎仅仅是依赖赫鲁晓夫时代的说法。





如今档案汇编又不断地出版着。它们都非常重要!但这个过程被反共学者们严密地监控着,还经常与一个打着“人权”旗号而受索罗斯基金会(Soros Foundation)等西方集团资助的极端反共组织“纪念协会”(MEMORIAL Society)相关。大多数关于莫斯科审判、军队肃反、“叶若夫时期”(Ezhovshchina)或“大恐怖”(Great Terror)以及1930年代高层政治的其他重大事件的调研证据都被设为机密,学者无从参阅。现状仍然如此,尽管照俄罗斯法律,75年之后的文档应当解禁,以供学术之用。但这没有兑现。


C. 谢尔盖·基洛夫谋杀案

1934年12月1日大约下午4:30,列昂尼德·瓦西里耶维奇·尼古拉耶夫(Leonid Vasil'evich Nikolaev),一位失业的党员,开枪射中了列宁格勒布尔什维克党第一书记谢尔盖·基洛夫的后颅。尼古拉耶夫继而试图爆头自杀,但未击中而晕倒。

起初,他似已声称,是他自己要杀基洛夫。一个星期不到,他就供认他不过是党内秘密组织策动的阴谋的一个环节,而这秘密组织正是由反斯大林、支持基洛夫之前一任列宁格勒第一书记格里高利·季诺维也夫(Grigory Zinoviev)的党员构成。


基洛夫谋杀案更大的意义在之后的三年逐渐浮出水面。这股将谋杀案头目引向季诺维也夫和加米涅夫(Kamenev)的线索导致了1936、1937和1938年三次莫斯科“摆样子公审”(show trial),还有1937年被熟知为“图哈切夫斯基事件”(Tukhachevsky Affair)的对军事领袖的审判。




D. 托洛茨基在20世纪30年代 1)右派和托派集团

哈佛霍顿图书馆的托洛茨基档案在1980年1月开放之后不久,托派史学家皮埃尔·勃鲁埃(Pierre Broué)发现了列夫·谢多夫(Leon Sedov)和他父亲托洛茨基的通信。这些通信足以证明苏联内部托派和其他反对派之间的集团的存在。1932年中某时,谢多夫告知父亲如下:



几乎同时,美国历史学家阿奇巴尔德·盖提(Arch Getty)发现托洛茨基至少曾秘密致函拉狄克(Radek)、索科利尼科夫(Sokol'nikov)、普列奥布拉任斯基(Preobrazhenskii)、科伦泰(Kollontai)和李维诺夫(Litvinov)。前三者在公开改变观点以前属于托派。盖提并未找到那些信件——发现的只是些挂号信收据。盖提据此领会到这意味着托洛茨基档案也已被“清洗”过。信件已被移除。其他材料也免不了被清洗。




1937年1月下半月,正值第二次莫斯科审判之时,谢多夫在与荷兰语的社会民主主义报纸《人民》(Het Volk)的访谈中说漏嘴,曝出托派曾与1936年8月第一次莫斯科审判的被告有所联络。谢多夫特别点到了季诺维也夫、加米涅夫和斯米尔诺夫(Smirnov)。说到拉狄克和皮亚塔科夫(Piatakov),谢多夫补充道:“托派与他们的联络少过其他人。更准确的说:根本没有联络。”这不过是谢多夫企图收回关于拉狄克和皮亚塔科夫的失言。

但谢多夫甚至都没有试图收回这前面的信息:托派确然与“其他人”有所联络:斯米尔诺夫、季诺维也夫和加米涅夫。这场访谈,包括说漏嘴的部分在内,发表在1937年 1月28日地方版的《人民》。说漏嘴一事这也被共产党的报刊所留意。(见Arbeideren, Oslo, February 5, 1937; Abejderbladet, Copenhagen, February 12, 1937.)幸好有了盖提,现在我们知道党报是对的。谢多夫的谈论还真是说漏嘴了。我们知道谢多夫是在撒谎,因为盖提已经发现了托洛茨基给拉狄克写信的证据。托洛茨基确确实实在与拉狄克接触。谢多夫评论的第一条,说接触比之其他人更少,倒是确切的。


* 一个季诺维也夫派、托派和其他反对派组成的“集团”的确在1932年形成,其中至少囊括了斯登-罗明纳兹集团、或许包括萨法尔诺夫-塔克汉诺夫集团(无论如何都与之有所接触),以及季诺维也夫和加米涅夫本人。






远在赫鲁晓夫之前,托洛茨基就把斯大林描画成了搞大屠杀的嗜血屠夫,把1930年代的莫斯科审判描画成捏造构陷。20世纪50年代以前少有人相信他。然后两件事发生了。一是赫鲁晓夫的秘密报告。二是伊萨克·多伊彻(Isaac Deutscher)的三卷本传记,尤其是最后一卷,《流亡的先知》。





E. 莫斯科审判


*1936年8月、1937年1月和1938年3月莫斯科审判中的被告是有罪的,至少犯有他们供认的那些罪行。“右派和托派分子集团”确实存在。该集团策划发动政变——即他们所谓的“宫廷政变”(dvortsovyi perevorot)——暗杀斯大林、卡冈诺维奇(Kaganovich)、莫洛托夫(Molotov)等人,即他们所谓的“宫廷政变”。该集团的确刺杀了基洛夫。



*尼古拉·叶若夫(Nikolai Ezhov),作为1936年到1938年底内务人民委员部(NKVD)的头号人物,同样参与了同德国人的密谋。

所有反共学者皆认为三场莫斯科审判中的证词是内务人民委员部以某种方式捏造的。但他们没有提供任何证据给予证明,也没有做任何论证来替这些非常可观的疏漏辩护。实际上马修·E·利昂(Matthew E. Lenoe)之类的反共学者只是选择忽视这一点及大量其他证据。














*拉狄克等人作证说他们反对对个人的暗杀(1937 Trial 71;101-2)。这与雅戈达独立做的证词一致,这一点我有专章讲述。


*拉狄克作证说,布哈林曾告诉他,他(布哈林)已经“走上了恐怖主义的道路”。(99)从1971年儒勒·恩贝尔-德厚(Jules Humbert-Droz)在瑞士出版的回忆录我们可以知道,在此之前很久布哈林就已经决定暗杀斯大林。

*索科利尼科夫作证说,“早在1932年秋”,季诺维也夫分子和托洛茨基分子的“联合总部”就已决定策划对斯大林和基洛夫的恐怖主义行动。(147)这与瓦连京·阿斯特洛夫(Valentin Astrov)的供词一致,他是布哈林的追随者之一,其供词一种已公开发表。阿斯特洛夫本来有机会在苏联垮台后矢口否认这一说法,但他明确拒绝这样做。阿斯特洛夫还坚持认为,苏联内务人民委员部调查人员对他很尊重,并没有对他做出逼迫行为。

*穆拉洛夫(Muralov)说,伊万·斯米尔诺夫曾告诉过他自己出国会见谢多夫的事。(217)在他的《关于莫斯科审判的红皮书》(Livre rouge)中,谢多夫承认自己曾与斯米尔诺夫会面,虽然他声称这次会面是完全清白的。


*拉狄克说,正是他自己向托洛茨基建议,让忠于托洛茨基的军事指挥官维托夫特·普特纳(Vitovt Putna)代表托洛茨基与德国和日本进行谈判。与此对应的是布琼尼元帅(Marshal Budienniy)所记录的普特纳后来的供述。



F. “叶若夫时期”,或称“大恐怖”













正如我在2005年写道,斯大林和党的领导层早在1937年10月就开始怀疑一些处决事件的合法性。从在1938年初开始,随着帕维尔·波斯蒂舍夫(Pavel Postyshev)受到严厉批判,被开除出中央委员会,继而被开除出党,最终以不正当的大规模镇压为名被审判和处决,对叶若夫的怀疑逐渐增长。

当拉夫连季·贝利亚(Lavrentii Beria)被任命为叶若夫的副手时,叶若夫和他的部下明白,斯大林和苏共领导已经不再信任他们。他们孤注一掷密谋在1938年11月7日,也就是十月革命21周年庆典之日刺杀斯大林,但事先败露,叶若夫的手下被捕。



2005年公开以来,最具冲击力的证据之一是叶若夫和他的副手米哈伊尔·弗里诺夫斯基(Mikhail Frinovsky)的供词。我已经把其中的一部分内容的俄语原文和英译放在了网络上。我们还有其他许多叶若夫的供述和审讯,绝大多数材料不完整,在其中他承认了更多的事实。这些材料由阿列克谢·帕夫柳科夫(Aleksei Pavliukov)在2007年通过半官方的途径公开。


所有的“主流”——也就是反共产主义的——和托洛茨基主义的研究者错误地声称,受到处决的人中没有阴谋。按照他们的说法,所有莫斯科审判的被告、所有军人被告、以及所有那些因间谍活动、阴谋、破坏和其他罪行而受审并判决的人,都是无辜的受害者。有人声称,斯大林曾计划杀死所有的这些人,因为一旦苏联遭到袭击,他们可能构成一个“第五纵队”(Fifth Column)。其他反共者偏向于相信斯大林只是想恐吓人民使其顺服的这一解释。







如果布哈林当时说了实话——如果他这么做了,也就是供出了叶若夫的话——叶若夫的大屠杀完全可能被当即叫停 ,那么成千上万无辜者的生命就能被挽救。




我同意历史学家杰弗里·罗伯茨(Geoffrey Roberts)的一个说法:


("Stalin's Wars" 斯大林的战争, Frontpagemag.com February 12, 2007. At http://hnn.us/roundup/entries/35305.html




G. 结语










马克思最喜欢的一句话是“怀疑一切”(De omnibus dubitandum),并怀疑你对其他事物的先入之见以及偏狭。如果你想要探知真相,这便是你必须要做的。




我在美国做讲演时,曾提到了一名喜欢讽刺挖苦的流行歌手,叫做“怪咖扬科维奇” (Weird Al Yankovich)。他有一首歌题目叫做“你所知道的一切都是谬误”。而这就是苏联史研究的现状。关于斯大林时代的苏联史,我们所耳濡目染的一切,至少从赫鲁晓夫时期开始——就是错的,这种谬误建立在反共产主义的谎言之上(同样,在中国情况可能不太一样。)



提摩西·斯奈德(Timothy Snyder):《血地:希特勒与斯大林夹持下的欧洲》(Bloodlands. Europe Between Hitler and Stalin. N.Y: Basic Books, 2010)








我这本关于斯奈德的《血地》(Bloodlands)的书,姑且叫做《血色谎言》(Blood Lies),会在这个月出版。





(清华大学学生求是学会等集体翻译) 格雷弗·弗教授简介

格雷弗·弗(Grover Furr),国际知名俄苏问题专家、历史学家。1979年普林斯顿大学比较文学博士,现任美国新泽西蒙特克莱尔州立大学(Montclair State University)英语系教授。主要研究领域包括中世纪文学、苏联史、国际共产主义运动等。格雷弗·弗教授曾与俄罗斯学者合著《被诽谤的斯大林》(Yuri Mukhin, Grover Furr & Aleksei Golenkov. Slandered Stalin. Moscow: Algorithm / Penguin Books. 2010)、《1937年,斯大林依法审判,无可上诉!》(Grover Furr & Vladimir L. Bobrov. 1937. Justice Stalin. Not Appealable! . Moscow: Penguin Books. 2010)等书。2007年出版《反斯大林的卑劣行径》(Grover Furr. Anti-Stalinist Meanness. Moscow: Algorithm. 2007,2010年重版),成为俄罗斯畅销书,短期内销售了近两万册。《反斯大林的卑劣行径》彻底颠覆了西方某些历史学家和报刊对赫鲁晓夫“秘密报告”的高度评价,不仅推翻了他们关于“秘密报告”是“二十世纪最有影响的演讲”之类的溢美之词,还得出了完全相反的结论:赫鲁晓夫整个“秘密报告”“全部由谎言拼凑而成”,而赫鲁晓夫用于直接“揭露”斯大林或贝利亚的论据,没有一件与事实相符。2012年格雷弗·弗出版《斯大林与民主,托洛茨基与纳粹》(Grover Furr. Stalin and Democracy - Trotsky and the Nazis. Istanbul: Software Update, 2012.),2013年出版《谋杀基洛夫:历史、学术与反斯大林的范式》(Grover Furr. The Murder of Sergei Kirov: History, Scholarship and the Anti-Stalin Paradigm. Kettering, OH: Erythros Press & Media. 2013),2014年出版《血腥的谎言》,主要揭露耶鲁大学教授Timothy Snyder的Bloodlands. Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (N.Y: Basic Books, 2010)一书的 欺骗性,Snyder书的主要目的,是要证明斯大林等于希特勒。2015年格雷弗·弗教授将出版一本专论,揭露1930年代托洛茨基言 论中的谎言。由于格雷弗·弗多年来致力于回击国际资产阶级对斯大林和苏联革命的抹黑和诽谤,美国右翼保守主义名人、作家David Horowitz将其列为“美国101个最危险的学者之一”(David Horowitz. The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America)。格雷弗·弗教授的《反斯大林的卑劣行径》一书不日将刊行中文版。格雷弗·弗的网页是http://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/

1 罗伊·A·麦德维杰夫(Roy A. Medvedev,1925—):1925年生于格鲁吉亚加盟共和国首府第比利斯。属于苏联少数民族。他曾在列宁格勒大学学习哲学和教育学,并在该大学获得职业教育方面科学学位候选人提名。他对苏联历史和政治哲学的兴趣显然是被赫鲁晓夫1956年在苏共第20次代表大会上的报告中所揭露出来的所谓“内幕”激发起来的。麦德维杰夫1959年完成其博士学位论文,不久就出版了两部教育学方面的论著。1962年他开始写作《让历史来审判》。本书对所谓“斯大林主义”进行了严厉抨击,认为它是历史上的一种变态。麦德维杰夫在1969年被开除出共产党。两年以后,就在出版《让历史来审判》以及《关于疯狂的问题》〔和他的同胞兄弟——现住伦敦的生物学家曹瑞斯(Zhores)合著〕前夕,他辞去了在教育科学研究院职业教育研究所的工作。从那以后,集中精力从事持不同政见者的活动。他的著作和文章经常在西方发表。在《让历史来审判》 于1973年出版。他的第二部主要著作《论社会主义民主》1975年出版。1979年之后,麦德维杰夫的作品被大量翻译成中文出版。

2 亚历山大猠哈伊洛维奇攠尔洛夫(Александр Михайлович Орлов;1895年-1973年),原名列夫费尔德宾(Лев Фельдбин),是一位苏联秘密警察,军衔为少将。曾获得列宁勋章,大清洗时流亡美国,后成为反共产主义作家。奥尔洛夫出生在白俄罗斯博布鲁伊斯克的一个东正教犹太人家庭,曾在莫斯科大学学习,后来加入沙俄军队。俄国内战爆发之后奥尔洛夫加入苏联红军,成为陆军总参谋部情报局(GRU)的军官,活跃于乌克兰的基辅。后来前往阿尔汉格尔斯克,进入内务人民委员会附属国家政治局中工作。1924年5月,成为秘密警察中的一员。作为内务人民委员部的间谍,他曾先后前往巴黎、柏林、美国、奥地利、英国等地活动。后来西班牙内战爆发,内务人民委员部派遣奥尔洛夫前去协助西班牙第二共和国,并在内战中扮演重要角色。20世纪三十年代,奥尔洛夫的上司阿布拉姆斯卢茨基声称得到消息,说德军计划刺杀奥尔洛夫,准备为奥尔洛夫装备一个卫队;但奥尔洛夫认为其目的是为了监视自己,因此婉拒了这个建议。1938年,叶若夫向奥尔洛夫发出电报,要求他前往比利时安特卫普的一艘船上与苏联特工接头。奥尔洛夫认为自己将会被逮捕回国,而回国后可能遭到逮捕处决,因此拒绝回国并且携妻女流亡美国。在美国,他过起了隐居生活,用俄语写下《斯大林肃反秘史》(The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes)一书。此后又将其翻译成英语,于1953年在美国出版。该书的出版轰动了整个西方世界,他本人则成为美国中情局的被保护人。1963年,赫鲁晓夫政权不再将奥尔洛夫列为叛国者。

[ 此帖被ziliao在2014-05-27 16:06重新编辑 ]






顶端Posted: 2014-05-26 23:36 | [楼 主]

格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史 ziliao

格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史

级别: 精灵王
格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史
格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史 格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史格雷弗弗(Grover Furr):从苏联解密档案和托洛茨基档案所见的苏联历史 
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GF, The Continuing Revolution in Stalin-Era Soviet History Pt 2 – Tsinghua ver 03 05.09.14.docx

Professor Grover Furr

Part Two: "The Soviet Union's History Seen from the Trotsky Archives and Russian Declassified Documents after the Cold War." 

Tsinghua University, May 20, 2014, 18:30 - 21:00.

7428 words = 47 ninutes reading in English

A. Introduction

Soviet history has been falsified since the Russian Revolution of November 7, 1917. The first to lie about it were the forces who tried to overthrow the Revolution. 

The Mensheviks, defeated and in exile, published many books and newspapers until the late 1960s. The Mensheviks formed the foundation for Russian studies in the United States and probably elsewhere too. 

The “Whites”, or monarchist forces, fought the Bolsheviks with great savagery. Ultimately defeated, they went into exile, mainly in Western Europe. They also published books and newspapers. The Whites sponsored terrorist and espionage groups inside the USSR during the 1920s and 1930s.

The “Whites” were a kind of reactionary nationalist group. Other nationalists included Belorussian and Ukrainian nationalists. They had sided with the Allied intervention in 1919-1920 that tried to overthrow the Revolution. During the 1920s and 1930s the Belorussian and Ukrainian Nationalists moved even more sharply to the right, joining up with Hitler’s Nazis. 

After World War 2 these and other so-called “nationalists” that had collaborated with the Nazis in fighting the Red Army and in murdering millions of Soviet Prisoners of War and civilians moved to the West. There they were supported by the American Central Intelligence Agency. The Ukrainian Nationalists especially entered academia, where they began to produce anticommunist propaganda in academic disguise. 

After the end of the USSR in 1991 the Ukrainian Nationalists left Canada, the USA, and Western Europe and returned to Ukraine. There they came to dominate the study of history in schools and universities and historical discussion in the mass media. During the period 2000-2009 they became the single most influential force over the Ukrainian government’s anticommunist falsification of history. They are very powerful in the current Ukrainian government.

In addition to these openly anticommunist forces there are some anticommunist forces from within the Bolshevik Party. Leon Trotsky was expelled from the USSR in 1929. After that he organized a movement under his leadership that attacked the Bolshevik leadership of the USSR in every possible way

Trotsky was assassinated at Stalin’s order in August 1940. He had little influence until Khrushchev’s Secret Speech at the 20th Party Congress of 1956. Khrushchev’s Speech made Trotsky seem like a prophet and a genius. It revived the almost-dead Trotskyist smovement, which is now an important anticommunist force in many countries.

B. Khrushchev Lied

In terms of its practical impact on world history Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” is the most influential speech of the 20th century and possibly of all time. In it Khrushchev painted Stalin as a bloodthirsty tyrant guilty of a reign of terror lasting more than two decades. As a direct result of this speech about one-half of all members of communist parties in the non-communist bloc quit their parties within two years. 

After the 22nd Party Congress of 1961, where Khrushchev and his men attacked Stalin with even more venom, many Soviet historians elaborated Khrushchev’s lies. These falsehoods were repeated by Cold War anticommunists like Robert Conquest. They also entered “left” discourse not only through the works of Trotskyists and anarchists, but through those of “pro-Moscow” communists who of course had to accept Khrushchev’s version.

Khrushchev’s lies were amplified during Mikhail Gorbachev’s and Boris Eltsin’s time by professional Soviet, then Russian, historians. Gorbachev orchestrated an avalanche of anticommunist falsehoods that provided the ideological smokescreen for the return to exploitative practices within the USSR and ultimately for the abandonment of socialist reforms and a return to predatory capitalism. 

During 2005-2006 I researched and wrote the book Khrushchev Lied. Its long subtitle reads: “The Evidence That Every ‘Revelation’ of Stalin’s (and Beria’s) “Crimes” in Nikita Khrushchev’s Infamous ‘Secret Speech’ to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, is Provably False.”

In my book I identify 61 accusations that Khrushchev made against either Stalin or, in a few cases, Beria. I then studied each one of them in the light of evidence available from former Soviet archives. To my own surprise I found that 60 of the 61 accusations are provably, demonstrably false.

The fact that Khrushchev could falsify everything and get away with it for over 50 years suggests that we should look carefully at other supposed “crimes” of Stalin and of the USSR during his time. 

My book has been translated into six languages. A Chinese translation, by Professor Ma Weisian of CASS, is scheduled to appear within the next few months.

Khrushchevites and Western Anticommunists

Khrushchev sponsored many Soviet historians who elaborated his falsehoods in thousands of books and articles. Well-known examples include Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism and Aleksandr Nekrich, June 1941. 

The lies of the Khrushchevites were picked up and repeated by Western anticommunist writers who spread them outside the USSR Important examples are Robert Conquest, who wrote The Great Terror. Stalin’s Purge of the ‘30s and many other books. All Conqeust’s books rely heavily on Khrushchev-era sources, though Conquest also cites any and all anticommunist books and articles, regardless of their credibility, such as Alexander Orlov, The Secret History of Stalin’s Crimes. 

Another important book that relies heavily on Khrushchev-era sources is Steven F. Cohen, Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution, published in 1973 and reprinted many times since.. My Moscow colleague Vladimir L. Bobrov and I have published a detailed study of the 10th chapter of Cohen’s book, in which Cohen traces Bukharin’s life from 1930 until his trial and execution in March 1938. In that article we show two things. First, that Cohen relies almost exclusively on Khrushchev-era sources. 

Second, we show that virtually every single statement Cohen draws from the Khrushchev-era sources is false. We were able to prove this by carefully studying the documents from former Soviet archives that have been published since the end of the USSR. Just as I did with Khrushchev’s Secret Speech, we use this archival evidence to prove that Cohen’s statements and fact-claims, taken from Khrusuchev –era sources, are false. 

Gorbachev and afterwards

Mikhail Gorbachev, after 1985 the final First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party (and after March 15, 1990 President of the Soviet Union) began in 1987 an anti-Stalin campaign that was even more fierce than that which Khrushchev had unleashed after the 22nd Party Congress of November 1961. Under Gorbachev hundreds of books and thousands of articles were written supposedly to prove how evil not only Stalin, but all Soviet leaders had been. The first work of Western anticommunist scholarship ever published in the Soviet Union was Cohen’s book on Bukharin, which Gorbachev personally praised and sponsored. 

Gorbachev, and after him Boris Eltsin, promised that along with “perestroika”, or “restructuring” of the economy along capitalist lines, they would sponsor “glasnost’”, or “openness” about Soviet history. For a short time many former Soviet archives were partly open to researchers, though almost exclusively to anticommunist researchers. But in 1995 many or most documents were “reclassified”, made secret again, unavailable to scholars.  No reason was given, though we can guess that this was because the documents do not support the anticommunist version of Soviet history that is now official in Russia today.

Today document collections are being published. These are very important! But this process is closely overseen by anticommunist scholars, often associated with the “Memorial Society”, a viciously anticommunist organization that claims to be a “human rights” group and that gets funding from Western sources such as the Soros Foundation. Most of the investigative  evidence related to the Moscow Trials, the Military Purges, the “Ezhovshchina” or “Great Terror”, and other important events of high politics of the 1930s, are classified, unavailable to researchers today. This remains true even though by Russian law documents are supposed to be declassified and made available to researchers after 75 years. But this is not done.

Nevertheless, a great many important documents have been published, sometimes in obscure sources, By carefully identifying them, collectiving them, and studying them, it is now possible to discover the truth about many or most of the important events of the Stalin period. This is the subject of my talks in Beijing this year, both at this university and at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who has sponsored my trip to Beijing and my presentations.

C. The Murder of Sergei Kirov

At about 4:30 p.m. on December 1, 1934 Leonid Vasil’evich Nikolaev, an unemployed Party member, shot Sergei Mironovich Kirov First Secretary of the Bolshevik Party in Leningrad in the back of the skull. Nikolaev then tried to shoot himself in the head but missed and fainted.

At first he seems to have claimed that he had killed Kirov on his own. Before a week was out Nikolaev had admitted that he was part of a conspiracy by a clandestine group of Party members opposed to Joseph Stalin and favoring Grigorii Zinoviev, Leningrad First Secretary before Kirov.

Interrogations of those whom Nikolaev had named, and then of the persons named by those men, led to a number of partial and a few fuller confessions. Three weeks after the murder fourteen men were indicted for conspiracy to kill Kirov. They were tried on December 28-29, convicted, and executed immediately. 

The larger significance of the Kirov murder unfolded gradually during the next three years. The threads that bound the Kirov conspirators to Zinoviev and Kamenev led to the three Moscow “Show Trials” of 1936, 1937 and 1938, and to the trial of the military commanders known as the “Tukhachevsky Affair” of 1937. 

In his “Secret Speech” Khrushchev cast doubt on the official version of the Kirov assassination. Khrushchev’s men tried hard to find any evidence they could to prove that Stalin had been behind Kirov’s murder. Unable to do so, they settled at length for a story that Nikolaev had acted on his own. However, the version that Stalin had caused Kirov to be killed continued to circulate, becoming widely believed both inside and outside the Soviet Union. 

Since 1990 the view officially accepted in Russia has been that Nikolaev acted alone, and that Stalin “used” Kirov’s murder to frame former or putative rivals, forcing them to admit to crimes they had never committed, and executing them and, ultimately, many thousands more. 

My goal has been to solve the Kirov murder case. I review all the evidence as objectively as possible, with appropriate skepticism, and without any preconceived conclusion in mind. The main conclusion of my study is that Nikolaev was not a “lone gunman” at all. The Soviet investigators and prosecution got it right in December 1934. A clandestine Zinovievite conspiratorial organization, of which Nikolaev was a member, killed Kirov. 

D. Trotsky in the 1930s

The Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites

Shortly after the Leon Trotsky Archive at Harvard’s Houghton Library was opened in January 1980 Trotskyist historian Pierre Broué discovered letters between Leon Sedov and his father Trotsky that proved the existence of a bloc between Trotskyists and other opposition groups within the USSR. Sometime in the middle of 1932 Sedov informed his father as follows:

[The bloc] is organized. In it have entered the Zinovievites, the Sten-Lominadze group and the Trotskyists (former “[capitulators]”)

. The group of Safar. Tarkhkan. has not formally entered yet – they stand on too extreme a position; they will enter in a very short time. – The declaration of Z. and K. concerning their enormous mistake in ’27 was made during negotiations with our people concerning the bloc, immediately  before the exile of Z and K. – 

About the same time American historian Arch Getty was discovering that Trotsky had secretly sent letters to at least Radek, Sokol’nikov, Preobrazhenskii, Kollontai, and Litvinov. The first three had been Trotskyists before publicly recanting their views. Getty did not find the letters – only the certified mail receipts for them. Getty realized this meant that the Trotsky Archive had been “purged”. These letters had been removed. Other materials had undoubtedly been purged as well. 

The only reason to “purge” the archives would have been to remove materials that would have seemed incriminating – that would have negatively impacted Trotsky’s reputation. As an examination of the question of the letter to Radek shows, the letters that we know were removed proved, at the very least, that Trotsky lied during the 1930s by claiming he never maintained contact with oppositionists inside the USSR when, in reality, he was doing so, and by claiming that he would never agree to a secret bloc between his supporters and other opposi-tionist groups when in fact he had done precisely that. 

Evidently Broué found the implications of this fact very disturbing. He never mentioned Getty’s discoveries of Trotsky’s letters to his supporters and others inside the USSR or the purging of the Trotsky archive, even though Broué cites the same Getty publications (an article and a book) in a very positive manner. 

Therefore it had been well established by scholars by the mid-1980s that a Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc did in fact exist and that it was formed in 1932 and that Zinoviev and Kamenev were personally involved. Sedov also foresaw the entry into the group of Safarov, who in any case had a group of his own. 

In an interview with the Dutch social-democratic newspaper Het Volk (= “The People”) during the second half of January 1937, at the time of the Second Mos-cow Trial, Sedov stated, in a slip of the tongue, that “the Trotskyists” had been in contact with the defendants at the First Moscow Trial of August 1936.  Sedov specifically named Zinoviev, Kamenev and Smirnov. Concerning Radek and Piatakov Sedov went on to say that “[t]he Trotskyists have had much less contact with them than with the others. To be more exact: no contact at all.” That is, Sedov tried to withdraw his “slip” about Radek and Piatakov. 

But Sedov did not even try to retract the information that preceded it: that “the Trotskyists” had indeed been in contact with “the others”: Smirnov, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. This interview, “slip of the tongue” included, was published in a provincial edition of Het Volk on January 28, 1937. It was noticed by the Communist press, which called attention to Sedov’s “slip of the tongue.” (Arbeideren, Oslo, February 5, 1937; Abejderbladet, Copenhagen, February 12, 1937.) Thanks to Getty we now know that the Communist press was correct. Sedov’s remark really was a “slip of the tongue.” We know that Sedov was lying because Getty had found evidence of Trotsky’s letter to Radek. Trotsky had indeed been in touch with Radek. Sedov’s first remark, about “much less contact”, was accurate. 

Therefore we have good, non-Soviet evidence, confirmed by the Trot-sky Archive, of the following:

* A “bloc” of Zinovievites, Trotskyites, and others including at least the Sten-Lominadze and, perhaps, the Safarov-Tarkhanov group (with whom they were in any case in touch) and involving Zinoviev and Kamenev themselves, was indeed formed in 1932.

* Trotsky had indeed been in touch with Zinoviev and Kamenev, as well as others, probably through his son and chief representative Sedov. 

* Trotsky was indeed in touch with at least Radek and Piatakov. 

* Trotsky really did send a letter to Radek, who was in Geneva at the time, in the Spring of 1932, just as Radek testified in the Janu-ary 1937 Moscow Trial.

* There is no reason to accept Trotskyist historian Pierre Broué’s conclusion that this bloc was “ephemeral” and died out shortly after it was formed, because we know the Trotsky Archive was purged at some time, while Broué had no evidence to support his statement.

Trotsky in the 1930s

Long before Khrushchev Leon Trotsky was portraying Stalin as a bloodthirsty mass killer and the Moscow Trials of the 1930s fabrications. Few people believed him until the 1950s. Then two things happened. One was Khrushchev’s Secret Speech. The second was Isaac Deutscher’s three-volume biography, especially the last volume, The Prophet Outcast. 

On January 2, 1980 the Trotsky Archives at Harvard were opened. During the 1980s and ‘90s American historian Arch Getty and Pierre Broué, the foremost Trotskyist researcher in the world, discovered evidence that Trotsky had deliberately lied about his contacts with the Soviet Oppositionists. But Broué never explored the implications of what he discovered. 

I have been studying all this. It will startle, even disturb, many to learn that it was not Stalin, but Trotsky who lied in his post-1934 writings about pretty much everything having to do with the Soviet Union and Stalin. It was Trotsky who invented false stories about the Moscow Trials during the 1930s. 

All Trotsky biographers, both the sympathetic and the hostile, simply ignore all this. It is symptomatic of the impasse in which much of the Left finds itself today that Trotskyists have ignored the evidence, available for over 20 years now, that Trotsky’s writings about Stalin and the USSR during the 1930s are deliberate falsehoods. 

I’m currently writing a book on Trotsky during the 1930s. It should be published in 2015.

E. The Moscow Trials

The newly-available evidence confirms the following conclusions:

* The defendants at the Moscow Trials of August 1936, January 1937, and March 1938, were guilty of at least those crimes to which they confessed. A “bloc of Rights and Trotskyites” did indeed exist. It planned to assassinate Stalin, Kaganovich, Molotov, and others in a coup d’état , what they called a “palace coup.”. The bloc did assassinate Kirov. 

* Both Rights and Trotskyites were conspiring with the Germans and Japanese, as were the Military conspirators. If the “palace coup” did not work they hoped to come to power by showing loyalty to Germany or Japan in the event of an invasion.

* Trotsky too was directly conspiring with the Germans and Japanese, as were a number of his supporters. 

* Nikolai Ezhov, head of the NKVD from 1936 to late 1938, was also conspiring with the Germans.

All anticommunist scholars takes the position that the testimony in the three Moscow Trials was fabricated by the NKVD in some way. But they fail to give any evidence that this is so, nor do they make any kind of argument to justify these very considerable omissions. In effect LENOE simply chose to ignore this and a great deal of other evidence. 

In reality, no one has ever come close to proving that any of the Moscow Trials were faked. However, in the highly politicized and biased field of Soviet history the position that the Moscow Trials were all fabrications and all the defendants “framed” is not merely the “mainstream” position – it is the only position that is tolerated. Anyone who suggests that the Moscow Trials may not have been fabrications faces ridicule or worse. So there is a great deal of professional pressure to regard the trials as fabrications and little incentive to do any serious research on them. 

Any objective investigation must always confront the question of verification. Therefore in this chapter we will discuss two questions. First: What is the Kirov testimony in the first Moscow Trial? Second: To what extent can we confirm or disconfirm the testimony in the first Moscow Trial?

The first public Moscow Trial of August 19-24, 1936 was preceded by a great deal of investigation. Only a very small amount of the documentation this investigation produced – confessions, statements, and some physical evidence as well – has ever been made public. Most of it by far is still top-secret in Russia today. No researcher has access to anything like the full extent of it. Nor, of course, do we.

Like any researcher or investigator, we are faced with the task of evaluating all this evidence according to objective criteria. Anticommunist researchers  simply assume that there was no merit to the charges and that Stalin was out to destroy the “former” oppositionists. In reality there is no evidence whatsoever that Stalin had a “goal” of “crushing” or “destroying” former oppositionists. There never has been any such evidence. On the contrary: there is good evidence that prior to the Kirov murder Stalin was trying to conciliate former oppositionists – or people whom he believed were former oppositionists, whose opposition he believed was in the past, as they promised it was. 

Questions of Methodology

How can these materials be assessed as to their truthfulness? What, in fact, can we reasonably expect to learn from them? This problem confronts all anticommunist scholars too, though they do not directly address it. They have some interrogations, trial transcripts, and investigative materials, so we too have whatever of these materials they have chosen to disclose to us. In addition, we have all the evidence that, for whatever reasons, they omit. 

A full examination of the Moscow Trials is beyond the scope of this presentation. But I do wish to emphasize the following point: There is no evidence that any of the defendants in these trials was framed, falsely convicted, innocent. Not one shred of evidence has ever been produced that the defendants in the three Moscow Trials were anything but guilty of those charges to which they confessed. No one has ever produced any evidence that the defendants were forced to testify in some manner dictated by the prosecution or NKVD. None of the “rehabilitation” documents and reports produced during Khrushchev’s and especially during Gorbachev’s era contains any evidence that the defendants were innocent. All the conclusions of all these rehabilitation reports are assertions only. 

There is good evidence that some of the defendants at least did not tell “the whole truth” and that both Iagoda and other defendants, as well as Ezhov, distorted and concealed some matters at the trials. But none of this deception tends to exculpate any of the trial defendants either. It simply adds another dimension to their guilt, and to the picture of the conspiracies that we already have. From what we know, the defendants’ testimony reflects what they wanted to say.

A central problem in evaluating the Moscow Trials testimony is the question of independent corroboration of statements made at the trial through evidence that could not have been arranged, planted, or other-wise created by the prosecution. Of course the lack of independent corroboration would not mean that the trial testimony and confessions were faked by the prosecution. In the case of a skillful conspiracy there might be no independent evidence at all. It would just mean that we would have no way of comparing this testimony with independent evidence. Even if we had no independent corroboration, we could evaluate the internal consistency of the statements made by different defendants at different times. 

Fortunately some evidence external to the Moscow Trials and even to the USSR itself does exist. All of this external evidence tends to corroborate the confessions of the accused.

Was the Trial Testimony Falsified?

All anticommunist scholars “beg the question.” They assume that the trial testimony was falsified in some way they do not specify. In this he follows the example of ideologically anticommunist researchers. It is easy to find historians of Soviet history who make this assumption. But it is impossible to find one who proves it, or indeed has any evidence for it at all. There has never been any evidence that the testimony at the Moscow Trials was falsified, the defendants forced to mouth confessions composed or dictated by others.

But though there is no evidence that the testimony in this trial was falsified, there is a lot of evidence of the contrary: that it was genuine. Here are a few examples of corroboration between testimony at the January 1937 trial and other established facts:

* Radek and others testify that they disagreed with the assassination of individuals (1937 Trial 71; 101-2). This corresponds to what Iagoda testified independently, as we will see in the chapter devoted to him.

* Radek’s claim that he had received a letter from Trotsky in the spring of 1932 is confirmed by a certified mail receipt found by Getty in the Harvard Trotsky archive. (92)

* Radek testified that Bukharin had told him he (Bukharin) had “taken the path of terrorism.” (99) We know from the memoirs of Jules Humbert-Droz, published in Switzerland in 1971, that Bukharin had decided to assassinate Stalin long before this. 

* Sokol’nikov testified that the “united centre” of Zinovievites and Trotskyites had decided on planning terrorist acts against Stalin and Kirov “as early as the autumn of 1932.” (147) This corresponds with the testimony of Valentin Astrov, one of Bukharin’s followers, one of whose confessions has been published. Astrov had the chance to recant this after the fall of the USSR but explicitly refused to do so. Astrov also insisted that the NKVD investigators had treated him with respect and used no compulsion against him.

* Muralov stated that Ivan Smirnov had told him about his meeting abroad with Sedov. (217) In his Livre rouge Sedov admitted that he had met with Smirnov, though he claimed the meeting was entirely innocent. 

* Muralov stated that Shestov had brought a letter from Sedov in 1932 with a secret message written with invisible ink. (218) We know that Sedov used antipirin to write secret messages since at least one such letter of Sedov’s survives in the Harvard Trotsky archive. In it he recommends that his father Trotsky write him back with invisible ink as well.

* Radek stated that it was he who had recommended to Trotsky that Vitovt Putna, a military commander loyal to Trotsky, be the person to negotiate with the Germans and Japanese on Trotsky’s behalf. This corresponds with Putna’s later confessions as recorded by Marshal Budienniy. 

Most of this evidence might be explained as faked – if there were any evidence that the confessions, and the alleged plots, had been scripted by the NKVD. But there is no evidence of any such conspiracy to fabricate the trials, while we do have evidence that they were not scripted. 

In light of these facts it is impermissible for any competent and objective researcher to simply dismiss without any consideration the very significant evidence given in the trial transcript. 

F. The “Ezhovshchina”, or “Great Terror”

Since my two-part essay "Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform" was written in 2004-5, a great deal more evidence has been published concerning the Opposition, the Moscow Trials of 1936, 1937, and 1938, the Military Purges or "Tukhachevsky Affair", and the subsequent "Ezhovshchina", often called "the Great Terror" after the title of the extremely dishonest book by Robert Conquest first published in 1968.

The newly-available evidence confirms the following conclusions:

* The defendants at the Moscow Trials of August 1936, January 1937, and March 1938, were guilty of at least those crimes to which they confessed. A "bloc of Rights and Trotskyites" did indeed exist. It planned to assassinate Stalin, Kaganovich, Molotov, and others in a coup d’état , what they called a "palace coup" (dvortsovyi perevorot). The bloc did assassinate Kirov.

* Both Rights and Trotskyites were conspiring with the Germans and Japanese, as were the Military conspirators. If the "palace coup" did not work they hoped to come to power by showing loyalty to Germany or Japan in the event of an invasion.

* Trotsky too was directly conspiring with the Germans and Japanese, as were a number of his supporters.

* Nikolai Ezhov, head of the NKVD from 1936 to late 1938, was also conspiring with the Germans.


We now have much more evidence about the role of NKVD chief Nikolai Ezhov than we had in 2005. Ezhov, head of the NKVD (People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs), had his own conspiracy against the Soviet government and Party leadership. Ezhov had also been recruited by German intelligence.

Like the Rights and Trotskyites, Ezhov and his top NKVD men were counting on an invasion by Germany, Japan, or other major capitalist country. They tortured a great many innocent people into confessing to capital crimes so they would be shot. They executed a great many more on falsified grounds or no grounds at all.

Ezhov hoped that this mass murder of innocent people would turn large parts of the Soviet population against the government. That would create the basis for internal rebellions against the Soviet government when Germany or Japan attacked.

Ezhov lied to Stalin, the Party and government leaders about all this. The truly horrific mass executions of 1937-1938 of almost 682,000 people were in large part unjustifiable executions of innocent people carried out deliberately by Ezhov and his top men in order to sow discontent among the Soviet population.

Although Ezhov executed a very large number of innocent people, it is clear from the evidence now available that there were also real conspiracies. The Russian government continues to keep all but a tiny amount of the investigative materials top-secret. We can’t know for sure exactly the dimensions of the real conspiracies without that evidence. Therefore, we don’t know how many of these 682,000 people were actual conspirators and how many were innocent victims.

As I wrote in 2005, Stalin and the Party leadership began to suspect as early as October 1937 that some of the repression was done illegally. From early in 1938, when Pavel Postyshev was sharply criticized, then removed from the Central Committee, then expelled from the Party, tried and executed for mass unjustified repression, these suspicions grew.

When Lavrentii Beria was appointed as Ezhov’s second-in-command Ezhov and his men understood that Stalin and the Party leadership no longer trusted them. They made one last plot to assassinate Stalin at the November 7, 1938 celebration of the 21st anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. But Ezhov’s men were arrested in time.

Ezhov was persuaded to resign. An intensive investigation was begun and a huge number of NKVD abuses were uncovered. A great many cases of those tried or punished under Ezhov were reviewed. Over 100,000 people were released from prison and camps. Many NKVD men were arrested, confessed to torturing innocent people, tried and executed. Many more NKVD men were sentenced to prison or dismissed.

Under Beria the number of executions in 1938 and 1940 dropped to less than 1% of the number under Ezhov in 1937 and 1938, and many of those executed were NKVD men, including Ezhov himself, who were found guilty of massive unjustified repression and executions of innocent people.

Some of the most dramatic evidence published since 2005 are confessions of Ezhov and Mikhail Frinovsky, Ezhov’s second-in-command. I have put some of these on the Internet in both the original Russian and in English translation. We also have a great many more confessions and interrogations, mostly partial, of Ezhov, in which he makes many more confessions. These were published in 2007 in a semi-official account by Aleksei Pavliukov.

Anticommunist Scholars Hide the Truth

All "mainstream" – that is, anticommunist – and Trotskyist researchers falsely claim that there were no conspiracies. According to them, all the Moscow Trial defendants, all the military defendants, and all those tried and sentenced for espionage, conspiracy, sabotage, and other crimes, were innocent victims. Some claim that Stalin had planned to kill all these people because they might constitute a "Fifth Column" if the USSR were attacked. Other anticommunists prefer the explanation that Stalin just tried to terrorize the population into obedience.

This is an ideological, anticommunist stance masquerading as an historical conclusion. It is not based upon the historical evidence and is inconsistent with that evidence. Anticommunist historians ignore the primary source evidence available. They even ignore evidence in collections of documents that they themselves cite in their own works.

Why do the anticommunist "scholars", both in Russia and the West, ignore all this evidence? Why do they continue to promote the false notions that no conspiracies existed and that Stalin, not Ezhov, decided to execute hundreds of thousands of innocent people? The only possible explanation is that they do this for ideological reasons alone. The truth, as established by an examination of the primary source evidence, would make Stalin and the Bolsheviks "look good" to most people.

Bukharin, Not Stalin, To Blame for the Massive Repressions

One interesting aspect of this is that Nikolai Bukharin, leading name among the Rightists and one of its leaders, knew about the "Ezhovshchina" as it was happening, and praised it in a letter to Stalin that he wrote from prison.

It gets even better. Bukharin knew that Ezhov was a member of the Rightist conspiracy, as he himself was. No doubt that is why he welcomed Ezhov's appointment as head of the NKVD -- a view recorded by his widow in her memoirs.

In his first confession, in his now-famous letter to Stalin of December 10, 1937, and at his trial in March 1938 Bukharin claimed he had completely "disarmed" and had told everything he knew. But now we can prove that this was a lie. Bukharin knew that Ezhov was a leading member of the Rightist conspiracy -- but did not inform on him. According to Mikhail Frinovsky, Ezhov's right-hand man, Ezhov probably promised to see that he would not be executed if he did not mention his own, Ezhov's, participation (see Frinovsky's confession of April 11, 1939).

If Bukharin had told the truth -- if he had, in fact, informed on Ezhov -- Ezhov's mass murders could have been stopped in their tracks. The lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people could have been saved.

But Bukharin remained true to his fellow conspirators. He went to execution -- an execution he swore he deserved "ten times over" -- without revealing Ezhov's participation in the conspiracy.

This point cannot be stressed too much: the blood of the hundreds of thousands of innocent persons slaughtered by Ezhov and his men during 1937-1938, are on Bukharin's hands.

Objectivity and Evidence

I agree with historian Geoffrey Roberts when he says:

In the last 15 years or so an enormous amount of new material on Stalin … has become available from Russian archives. I should make clear that as a historian I have a strong orientation to telling the truth about the past, no matter how uncomfortable or unpalatable the conclusions may be. … I don’t think there is a dilemma: you just tell the truth as you see it.

("Stalin’s Wars", Frontpagemag.com February 12, 2007. At http://hnn.us/roundup/entries/35305.html  )

The conclusions I have reached about the "Ezhovshchina" will be unacceptable to ideologically-motivated people. I have not reached these conclusions out of any desire to "apologize" for the policies of Stalin or the Soviet government. I believe these to be the only objective conclusions possible based on the available evidence.

I make no claim that the Soviet leadership was free from error. Stalin’s vision of a socialism leading to communism was obviously faulty in that it did not come to pass. During Stalin’s time, as during the short period of Lenin’s leadership, the Soviets made a great many errors. Error is, of course, inevitable in all human endeavor. And since the Bolsheviks were the first communists to conquer and hold state power, they were in unknown waters. It was inevitable, therefore, that they would make a great many mistakes – and they did.

However, any objective study of the evidence and the historical record shows that there was simply no alternative to forced collectivization and industrialization – except defeat at the hands of some combination of capitalist powers. Likewise, the fact that the Right, Trotskyite, and Military conspiracies really did exist but were snuffed out by the Soviet leadership, which managed to out-maneuver Ezhov and foil his conspiracy as well, proves that once again the USSR – "Stalin" – saved Europe from Naziism and all the Allies from an immense number of additional casualties at the hands of the Axis powers.

G. Conclusion

In this talk I have only touched on a few of the important events of Soviet history of the 1930s. I will discuss others in my talks at Beijing University in a few days and at CASS during this week.

In conclusion I would like to say something about objectivity and the attempt to discover the truth.

Almost all books and articles published today about Soviet history of the Stalin period are framed, and therefore controlled, by what I call the “anti-Stalin paradigm.” In Western academic discussion it is obligatory – required – that a researcher come to conclusions that confirm the anticommunist portrayal of Stalin as a vicious, evil killer and dictator, and the Soviet Union as a site of mass murder and cruelty. If you are unwilling to put your research within this biased framework you simply cannot have an academic career at all.

I have been told by two fine researchers in Soviet history – researchers who are not leftists but who strive to be objective – that no book that is not hostile to Stalin can be published by an academic publisher. That certainly is true in the West, and I believe it to be true in Russia as well.

Let me put this another way: If you were in the field of Soviet history – if you taught Soviet history in a history department anywhere in the West – I assume the situation is different here in China  – you could not do the research I do. If you did, you could not be published in the standard journals, or by mainstream academic publishers, and you would soon not be in the field of Soviet history anymore, because you wouldn’t have a job!

That is why my position is unusual. I teach in an English Department. My academic livelihood does not depend in any way on my research into Soviet history.  

This is what I have to offer.  And a lot of people around the world think it is important. Not just people on the Left, such as you are. The anticommunists also think it’s important. And they don’t like it.

A lot of people on the Right do not want the truth about the history of the communist movement in the USSR, during the Stalin years, to come to light. They want to continue to demonize it, to compare it to Hitler and fascism, and to lie about it. And that’s what they do – not only “passively”, through their “point of view”, or bias, but actively, by deliberately falsifying the evidence, sources, and history.

Marx and Engels wrote that “the proletariat has nothing to lose but its chains.” By that I assume they meant that we have no sacred cows, nothing we refuse to subject to critical scrutiny. We want to cast aside all illusions and falsehoods. Only “the truth shall make us free”, if “we” are against all exploitation of man by man; if “we” are the international working class. 

Marx’s favorite slogan was “De omnibus dubitandum” – Question Everything, and your preconceived ideas and biases above all others. If you want to learn the truth, that’s what you must do.

Moreover, it is what every bourgeois detective in every detective story knows. As Sherlock Holmes used to say: Keep your mind free of precipitate conclusions. Get the facts before you form your hypotheses. Be ready to abandon an hypothesis that does not explain the established facts.

If you don’t do this – if you don’t try to discover the truth from the outset – then you are not going to stumble upon it by accident along the way. And what you will find will not be the truth. 

This is what I try hard to do. None of the demonizers of Stalin and the Soviet Union, the anticommunist “experts” on the history of the communist movement, make any attempt to be objective. They do not discover the truth, then, because they don’t want to do so. They want to write “propaganda with footnotes.” And that’s what their works are.

In my presentations in the United States I quote a line from a popular and satirical singer named “Weird Al Yankovich.” He has a song titled “Everything You Know Is Wrong.” And that is the situation with Soviet history today. Everything we have been taught, at least since Khrushchev’s day about Soviet history of the Stalin period – is wrong, based on anticommunist lies (Again, things may well be different here in China).

But where we now have evidence, chiefly from former Soviet archives though also from the Trotsky Archive at Harvard University, we inevitably – always, in every single specific instance – find that the anticommunist from Leon Trotsky to Khrushchev to Gorbachev, and all the anticommunist “scholars” to the present day – are wrong, and in most cases they are deliberately lying. 

I would like to cite an example, the subject of my latest book:

Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands. Europe Between Hitler and Stalin ((N.Y: Basic Books, 2010)

Snyder, a full professor of Eastern European history at Yale, has written dozens of articles for leading intellectual journals such as the NY Review of Books. In 2010 he published Bloodlands. This book is by far the most successful attempt to date to equate Stalin with Hitler, the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany. It has garnered rave reviews in literally dozens of newspapers and journals; received prizes for historiography; and has been translated into more than 20 languages. 

Snyder has little to say about the Nazis. His main target is Stalin, Soviet policy, and communists generally. His broader claim is that the Soviets killed 6 to 9 million innocent civilians while the Nazis were killing about 14 million. Snyder finds parallels between Soviet and Nazi crimes at every turn.

I spent a whole year methodically checking every single footnote, every reference to anything that could be construed as a crime by Stalin, the USSR, or pro-Soviet communists. Snyder’s main sources are in Polish and Ukrainian, in hard-to-find books and articles. 

I found that every single “crime” Snyder alleges is false – a fabrication. Snyder very often deliberately lies about what his sources say. More often he cites anticommunist Polish and Ukrainian secondary sources that do the lying for him. Once again, not a single accusation holds up. 

The significance of this wholesale falsification is important. For one thing, Snyder’s book is now widely quoted as an authority. Snyder “said” it in Bloodlands, so it is established as a fact. 

But the broader significance of Snyder’s wholesale lying and falsifying is as follows. Snyder had a team of very anticommunist Polish and Ukrainian nationalist researchers to help him. It is their work which he is, basically, “retailing” to an English-speaking audience. Snyder himself has spent many years researching Eastern Europe between the world wars.

And yet Snyder cannot find a single genuine “crime” by the USSR, Stalin, or even by pro-communist groups! Surely this team of dedicated anticommunists, armed with the support of their post-Soviet states, access to archives, and knowledge of all the Eastern European languages, would have discovered real crimes of Stalin or of the USSR – if any existed. This constitutes the best evidence we are ever likely to have that there are no such “crimes”.

My book on Snyder’s Bloodlands, tentatively titled Blood Lies, will be published this month.

My next book, planned for publication next year, in 2015, will be on Leon Trotsky’s writings in the 1930s, especially from December 1934 until his death in 1940. Evidence from Trotsky’s own archives, when put together with evidence from former Soviet archives, now permits us to see that Trotsky deliberately lied about the Soviet Union and Stalin, about the Kirov murder, and the Moscow Trials, throughout this period. He did this to preserve his own conspiracy. Naturally, one must lie if one is to be a conspirator. But Trotsky’s lies have been believed first by his own followers and then, after Khrushchev’s Secret Speech, by a great many persons. So I think this study will be of broad interest.

The questions one asks inevitably reflect and expose one's own political concerns, and mine are no exception. I believe that the history of the Bolshevik Party during Stalin's years -- a history obfuscated by anti-communist lies and as yet to be written -- has a lot to teach future generations. Political activists who look to the past for guidance, and politically-conscious scholars who believe their greatest contributions towards a better world can be made through study of such struggles in the past, have a great deal to learn from the legacy of the Soviet Union.

Like medieval mariners whose maps were more imagination than fact, we have been misled by canonical histories of the USSR that are mainly false. The process of discovering the real history of the world's first socialist experiment has scarcely begun. I believe this is of immense importance for our future. I hope you agree with me in this.

Thank you for listening to me. I am ready to answer your questions as best I can, and to receive your criticisms with humility.

